Regional Module C, Blagoveschensk, Russia


Framework theme: "Scientific and Technological Progress as a Source of Quasi-Religious Movement".

Interregional Seminar


The project contains the following directions of scientific activity and the concrete results:


I. Setting up a research group on Science & Spirituality –

«Tradition Religions and Quasi-Religious movements», 5 participants (teachers and scholars from Amur State University, Amur Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences).


1. Head of research group - Zabiyako Andrey Pavlovich

Doctor of Philosophy, professor, the Head of the Study of Religion Department of Amur State University; co-editor in chief of «Study of Religion» (scientific and theoretical journal).

Citizenship, Date of Birth – Russia, 01.10.1961


Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University, 1979–1983

Moscow State University, Study of Religion, 1986–1989, Candidat of Philosophy

Moscow State University, Study of Religion, 1996–1999 Doctor of Philosophy

Title of Candidate disstetation, month and year of defense

Psychological features of Oriental Religions (on the material of comparison of the religions of Ancient India and Christianity), January 1989.

Title of Doktoral dissertation, month and year of defense

The Category of Holy (philosophical and religious analysis). February 1999

Last publications on a theme of the project:

Paganism: from peasant religion to cyber-religion // Study of Religion (scientific and theoretical journal); №4, 2005 (the first article); №1, 2006 (the second article).

Institution, with address

Amur Stat University, Russia, 675027, Blagoveshchensk, 21, Ignatievskoye shosse, ASU

Home address with index

Russia, 675027, Blagoveshchensk, 20 Studencheskaya str., flat 29

Telephone with the city code: Office, Home

(4162)39-46-21 (4162)35-00-23

E-mail, Fax (4162)39-45-25


II. Theoretical seminar (4 sessions per year) – «Variety of Quasi-Religious movements», 16 participants (the post-graduate students, young teachers and scholars from Amur State University, Amur Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of sciences, Far Eastern State Transport University (Khabarovsk), Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University and others regional universities).

The main themes:

1.      The problem of definition of Quasi-Religious movements.

2.      The factors of emergence and evolution of Quasi-Religious movements.

3.      The World’s Quasi-Religions.

4.      The Russian Quasi-Religions.


2. Serdyukov Yuriy Mikhaylovich

Doctor of Philosophy, professor of the Department of Philosophy; editor-in-chief of «The Humanities and Social Studies in the Far East» (scientific and theoretical journal).

Citizenship, Date of Birth – Russia, 27.08.1962


Blagoveshchensk State Pedagogical University, 1980–1985

Moscow Pedagogical University, Study of Philosophy, 1989–1992, Candidate of Philosophy

Title of Kandidatskaia dissertation, month and year of defense

Transcendention in Self-Knowledge, June 1992.

Title of Doktorskaia dissertation, month and year of defense

Non-reflexive Forms of Cognition and Problem of Division of All Things into Phenomena and Noumena, May 1998.

Last publications on a theme of the project:

Non-reflective Forms of Cognition // PAIEIA: Philosophy Education Humanity: Abstracts. Boston, 1998; To the Problem of Methodological Relevance of Western and Far Eastern Cultures // Philosophical Model-Building for the Peace and Co-Development in Northeast Asia, Vladivostok, 2003; The Alternative to Parascience. Moscow: “Academia”, 2005.

Institution, with address

Far Eastern State Transport University, Russia, 680021, Khabarovsk, 47, Seryshev Str, of. 3235, FESTU.

Home address with index

Russia, 680021, Khabarovsk, 87-A Yashina Str., flat 42.

Telephone with the city code: Office, Home

(4212) 35-52-93, (4212) 64-74-16

E-mail, Fax (4212) 64-74-16


3. Kobyzov Roman Aleksandrovich,

Born 1977. Candidate of philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor of the Religion Study Department, dean’s assistant in charge of scientific work at the Faculty of Sociology, Amur State University (ASU). In 1999 г. graduated from Blagoveschensk State Pedagogical University, the Faculty of History and Philology, with specialization “History”. 1999-2000 – teaching assistant of the sociological department of ASU. Since 2000 – a lecturer of the Religion Study Department of ASU. 2001-2004 – postgraduate study in ASU, 2002 - practice at the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religion Study in Moscow State University. The theme of Candidate (kandidatskaya) dissertation - «Ethno-religious interaction of the Russians and the Chinese (on the material of sociological research in borderline regions of the Far East)». The main courses being read currently – sociology of religion, modern untraditional religious movements and cults, history of religion. Participated in a number of grant programmes: Soros Fund, Ford Fund, MION, RGNF, etc. Scientific interests - ethno-religious interactions, current ethno-religious situation in the Far East of Russia. The author of more than 30 scientific works. The author of the articles in “Encyclopedic Dictionary of Religion Study”, the dictionary “World Religions”, “Christianity” and others.



Module framework theme:


"Scientific and Technological Progress as a Source of Quasi-Religious Movement"


Additional activities


Setting up a research group on Science & Spirituality.

Theoretical seminar (4 sessions per year).

Interregional conference (2008).

Sociological research of a religious representations of inhabitants of the Far East of Russia (questioning, expert interrogation) (2007).

Content-analysis of regional mass media (2008).

Course of lectures on a theme of the project (2007-2008).

Volume of joint publications of research team (2009).



1. Interregional conference (2007) – «Traditional Religions and Quasi-Religious movements: the religions as factor of Russian identities».


Partners: Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Novosibirsk), Far East State University (Vladivostok).


The main themes:


1.      The Quasi-Religions: their relation to science and modern Russian religious situation.

2.      The role of religion in Russian history.

3.      The variety of Russian religious formation.


2. Sociological research of religious representations of inhabitants of the Far East of Russia (2007). – The sociological research studies modern religious collective representations of inhabitants of the Far East of Russia. The main aim is clarification of the substance, place and functions of Quasi-religious representations. The main methods: interview, questionings and expert interrogations (500 persons, 20 experts).


3. Content-analysis of regional mass media (2008). The content-analysis is devoted to the study of degree of distribution of Quasi-Religious phenomena in regional mass media (6 newspapers, 3 weekly magazines – 1996, 1999, 2002, 2006 years). Key words: parascience, occultism, esoterism, magic, witchcraft, black art, diabolism, sorcery, UFO, mysticism, poltergeist, divination, fortune-telling.


4. Course of lectures on a theme of the project «Comparative Study of Religion», «New Religious Movements» for students of the Study of Religion Department of Amur State University (40 persons), 2007–2008 years.


5. Volume of joint publications of research team (2009) – «The Quasi-Religions and the Pseudosciences». The volume is devoted to Quasi-Religions as one of the most important religious phenomena in the technological epoch and in the past. The authors analyze the specific character of worldview and distinctive features of practices of Quasi-Religious movements and their relation to science.


6. Seminar on Science and Religion (4 sessions per year, the whole duration of the project). It will be aimed at the discussion of the current results of the project.


7. Participation in the seminars, conference and final volume of the Moscow team.