Affiliated members of research team




Name            Piama

Patronimic      Pavlovna

Surname Gaidenko

Date of birth   January 30, 1934        

Place of birth          Nikolaevka, Donetsky region, Russia

Nationality             Russian

Home address

Office address          Volkhonka 14, Moscow, Institute of Philosophy

Professional education: Philosophical faculty of the Moscow State University (1952-1957). M.A.(1957). Postgraduate studies at the department for the history of philosophy (1959-1962). Ph.D.(1962). The theme of the dissertation: “M. Heidegger’s Philosophy of History”

Doctor of Philosophy habilitus (1982): the Title of dissertation: “The Evolution of The Notion of Science from VI B.C. to XVI”


Research interests: history of science and religion; orthodox religious philosophy; history of Russian and West-European philosophy


Professional activity:  Head of the department for the history of science in the Institute of Philosophy of Russian Academy of Sciences (1988 - ).

                Research fellow at the Institute of the History of Science and Technology (1969 – 1988).

                Research fellow at the Institute of International Workers’ Movement (1967-1969).

                Lecturer at the Department for the history of philosophy (Philosophical faculty of the Moscow State University) (1962-1967).


Correspondent Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (election 2000).



Publications: over 160, among them 11 monographs


                Existentialism and the Problems of Culture. M., 1963.

                The Tragedy of Aesthetism. On the World View of S. Kierkegaard. M., 1970.

                Philosophy of Fichte and Modernity. M., 1979.

Evolution of The Notion of Science. The Formation and Development of The First Scientific Programmes. M., 1980.

Evolution of The Notion of Science. The Formation of The Scientific Programmes in The Modern Age (XVII-XVIII). M., 1987.

The Paradoxes of Freedom in The Fichte’s Doctrine. M., 1990.

Scientific Rationality and Philosophical Reason. M., 2003.






Name: Lega Victor

D.O.B. 04.25.1955

Address: 24-1-137, Kosinskaya ul., Mosсow, Russia, 111538

Tel. No. (495) 374-65-92

Marital status: Married, with 4 children



1999 Thesis in Theology (“Plotinus’ Philosophy and Patristics from the point of view of the Modern Orthodox Theology”)

1992 – 1996 Bachelor’s degree in Department of Theology, St. Tikhon Orthodox Theological Institute

1985 – 1989 Post-Graduate Course at the Department of Philosophy, Moscow State University

1989 – 1985 Master’s degree in Department of Philosophy, Moscow State University

1982 – 1988 Master’s degree in Department of Physical and Quantum Electronics, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology



RUSSIAN, mother tongue

ENGLISH, intermediate level

FRENCH, intermediate level

ANCIENT GREEK, elementary



St. Tikhon Orthodox Theological Institute (since 2004 – St. Tikhon Orthodox University), Moscow, Russia

1991 - present

Professor, Head of Chair of Philosophy, Head of Chair of Fundamental Theology and Apologetics

- Lectures in History of Western Philosophy.

- Lectures in Science and Religion (Fundamental Theology or Apologetics)


Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

2003 – present


- Lectures in “Religion and Science: Christian Apologetics”



Philosophical problems of relations between science and religion, especially Christianity. Have been investigating the relations between faith and reason in History of Christian Theology, Philosophy and Science on the basis of St. Paul’s teaching and analysis of works by St. Augustine, St. Maximus the Confessor, Thomas Aquinas, Descartes, Leibniz, Pascal and others.




1.      History of Western Philosophy. Pt. 1. Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy. (A course of lectures). Moscow, PSTBI, 1998, 2nd ed. - 2005.

(История западной философии. Античность, средневековье, возрождение. М.: ПСТБИ, 1998. 2-е изд.: М.: ПСТГУ, 2005).

2.      History of Western Philosophy. Pt. 2. XVII-XVIII century and Contemporary Philosophy. (A course of lectures). Moscow, PSTBI, 1998, 2nd ed. - 2006.

(История западной философии. Новое время, современная западная философия. М.: ПСТБИ, 1999. 2-е изд.: М.: ПСТГУ, 2006).

3.      Plotinus, Patristics, Modernity: an apologetic essays. Moscow, PSTBI, 2002.

Плотин, патристика, современность: апологетические очерки. М.: ПСТБИ, 2002.

Selected articles (about 20).

4.      A problem of miracles and a modern scientific outlook. - In: Annual Theological conference of St. Tikhon Orthodox University, Moscow, PSTBI, 1996.

Проблема чуда и современное научное мировоззрение // Ежегодная богословская конференция Православного Свято-Тихоновского богословского института. М.: ПСТБИ, 1996.

5.      Christianity as a true religion. - In: Materials of jubilee scientific conference. The Far East State University, Vladivostok. DVGU, 2000.

Христианство как истинная религия // Материалы юбилейной научной конференции. Дальневосточный государственный университет. Владивосток: Издательство ДВГУ, 2000.

6.      Can we prove the being of God? - In: Annual Theological conference of St. Tikhon Orthodox University, Moscow, PSTBI, 2000.

Можно ли доказать бытие Бога? // Ежегодная богословская конференция Православного Свято-Тихоновского богословского института. М.: ПСТБИ, 2000.

7.      On faith and wisdom (sophrosyne). - In: Annual Theological conference of St. Tikhon Orthodox University, Moscow, PSTBI, 1999.

О вере и целомудрии // Ежегодная богословская конференция Православного Свято-Тихоновского богословского института. М.: ПСТБИ, 1999.

8.      On Christian foundation of culture. - In: Orthodox culture, concepts, curricula, bibliography. Moscow, 2003.

О христианских основаниях культуры // Православная культура: концепции, учебные программы, библиография. М.: Издательский дом «Покров», 2003.

9.      Science and/or morality (Reflections on A.Einstein’s article “Why socialism?”). - In: For Science. Moscow, MIPT, 2004.

Наука и/или нравственность. (Размышления о статье А.Эйнштейна «Почему социализм?») // За науку. М.: МФТИ, 2004.

10.     On the concept of miracle in History. - In: St. John of Kronstadt’s readings. Archangelsk, 2004.

О понятии чуда в истории // 4-е Иоанновские чтения: материалы. Архангельск, 2004.

11. Diversity of philosophical systems as the essential feature of philosophical knowledge. - In: Quarterly, PSTBU. Issue I.16 (in print)

Многообразие философских систем как сущностная черта философского знания // Вестник ПСТГУ. Вып. I:16. (в печати)

12. On faith and reason according to St. Paul. - In: XVI Annual Theological conference of St. Tikhon Orthodox University, Moscow, PSTBI, (in print).

О вере и разуме по апостолу Павлу // XVI Ежегодная богословская конференция Православного Свято-Тихоновского богословского института. М.: ПСТБИ, (в печати).

13. On faith and reason according to St. Paul and St. Maximus the Confessor. In: The Kazan Theological Seminary. Conference Materials. Kazan, 2005.

О вере и разуме по апостолу Павлу и преп. Максиму Исповеднику // Казанская духовная семинария. Материалы конференции. Казань, 2005.







Born 1939.12.30

Doctor of Philosophy, professor, the deputy chief of the Department of the philosophy at the  Russian  Academy  of State Service at the Russian Federation President Administration


His basic works are devoted to philosophical problems of sciences in the context of  history. Monographies are the following:


•       Philosophical problems of the theory of a relativity. М., "Science" 1973. 231 P (Translation into German: Relativitatstheorie und materalismus. Berlin, Akademie-Verlag.1977)

•        Methodological problems of quantum mechanics in the Soviet philosophical science. М., "Science", 1982. 335 P.

•        In searches of a new paradigm. Synergetics. Philosophy. Scientific rationality. М., 1999 (in the co-authorship  with F.D. Demidov)

•       Philosophy and the person in the century of global problems. М., 1998, etc.

 Considering philosophical problems of non-classical physics he paid the special attention  to the analysis of influence socio-cultural factors on the features of statement and decision of methodological questions of  sciences, as well as  to the  conceptual changes which had taken place in the foundations of  sciences.


Problems of interrelations between the sciences and religion were discussed in:

•       The sciences and religion in a stream of history. In: The Sciences, religion and  humanism. М., 1996

•       Whether the opposition of the sciences and religion has ended? // Social studies and the modernity. 1996, №1

•       The God, religion and Einstein's philosophy // Natural sciences in the struggle against religious outlook. М., "Science", 1988.


 The  main attention in the works devoted to interrelations  between  the  sciences and religion was accented on the  presence of an element of conventionality in the fundamental concepts of the  science that puts under doubt a legitimacy of those conceptual models based on an absolute opposition of scientific and religious knowledge.


Some aspects of the  problem of interrelations between philosophy, science and religion were being discussed also in the monograph:

•       Philosophy and the person in the century of global problems. М., 1998.

In the articles:

•       Philosophical  foundations of the  modern civilization and its global crisis // Social studies and the modernity. 1994, №2

•       Philosophical foundations of the industrial civilization and socio-ecological risk  // Socio - ecological risk: The concept, methodology of the analysis and a practice of management. М., 1998

•       Philosophy, ecology and global transformations // Sustainable development: actual problems and prospects of scientific researches. М., 2000.

 K.H. Delokarov is author of more than 300 scientific works, including 8 monographs. His researches  were translated into English, German, Chinese and a number of other languages.







Professor, Chief of Department of Philosophy, Ufa State Institute of Service

Local Society: Quest for Modern Worldviews

Ufa, Russia


Educational background

Graduated from Bashkir State University, Ufa, USSR, Department of Physics in 1975

Professional career

1975-1980 - Lecturer in theoretical Physics, Bashkir State Pedagogical Institute, Ufa

1980-1982 – Lecturer in Philosophy, Bashkir State University, Ufa

1982-1984 – Postgraduate Course at the Chair of Philosophy, Bashkir State University, Ufa

1984-1990 – Lecturer, Assistant Professor in Philosophy, Bashkir State University,Ufa

1990-1992 – Doctorate Course at the Chair of Philosophy, Ural State University, Yekaterinburg

1992-1994 – Assistant Professor in Philosophy, Bashkir State University, Ufa

1994-1995 – Professor in Philosophy, Bashkir State University, Ufa

1995 - present - Professor, Head of the Philosophical Chair, State Institute of Service, Ufa


Selected publications (over 100).


Time, Being, Man (Ufa, 1992, 222 pp, in Russian);

The Temporality of Being (Yekaterinburg, 1992, 385 pp, in Russian);

About senseless and sense of person’s life. About temporary and eternal in being of person. About person’s liberty and unliberty (Ufa, 2000, 182 pp);

Philosophy (Ufa, 2001, 359 pp).







Name            Eugene

Patronimic      Gennadievich

Surname Balagushkin

Date of birth           1931


Professional education:         

Philosophical faculty of the Moscow State University (1953-1958). M.A. (1958)

Post-gradual studies at the Institute of Philosophy (Moscow) (1958-1961) Ph.D.


Research interests:


Study of religion; philosophy of religion; non-traditional religions in the age of science


Professional activity: Research and teaching at the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), Department of philosophy of religion: research fellow, senior research fellow.



Critique of the Modern Non-traditional Religions. M., 1986.

Non-traditional Religions in Modern Russia. Morphological Analysis. Part 1. M., 1999; Part 2. M., 2002.

The problems of the Morphological Analysis of Religions. M., 2003.







Born in 1953 in Tashkent (Uzbekistan).

Current address: 69, 1 Veselaya street, 614002, Perm, Russia     

Telephone 8-342-216-46-47(home)    8-342-219-80-47 (offoce)


       Graduated from the faculty of philosophy of the Ural State University in Sverdlovsk (at present – Ekaterinburg) in 1975; completed the post-graduate course at the department of philosophy (faculty of humanities) of the Moscow State University in 1982; In 2003 got a Doctors’ degree in Philosophy. Since 2003 till present Mr.Porosenkov is a professor at the department of philosophy and religion studies of Perm State Technical University.     

        Mr. Porosenkov is the author of more than 40 scientific works on the problems of ontology and epistemology, philosophy of religion, axiology. He’s been a speaker at two Russian Science Conferences – “Religion in the changing Russia” (Perm; 2002 and 2004) and the International Symposium-Dialog of the secular scientists and theologians “The idea of non-violence in the XXIst century” (Perm; 05/24/06-05/25/06) with the participation of professor H. Kjung (Tubingen, Germany) and professor M. Sierra (Vatican).


Possible participation of S.V. Porosenkov, PhD, in the project “Science and religion: formation of value system for the new civilization”- lectures and articles on the problems:


1.      Principle of theism and the contents of modern picture of the world: the correlation of ontological and gnoseological sense.

Religion and ontology of human existence.

         The main publications:  


1.      Existence and activity in the definition of value relation. (Perm, published by Perm State University, 2002,               

408 p.)

       2.     To be and to act (Perm, Ural Institute of Humanities, 2004, 301 p.)

       3.     Social standards as forms of reflecting reality (Philosophical sciences, 1981, #5; 0,7 of a printed page)

       4.     The problem of theoretical substantiation of rule-making (in collaboration with A.M. Korshunov; Bulletin  

               of Moscow University, series #7, Philosophy, 1985, #3, MSU, 1 printed page)

5.      Specificity of the changes of value relation in existential aspect (in the book “ Period of transition in the

changes of cultural epochs; Perm, 2001, 0,5 of a printed page)

6.      The process of globalization and the logical and gnoseological peculiarities of theistic statements (in the book “Scientific notes of the faculty of humanities. Edition #12”; Perm, PSTU, 2005; 0,5 of a printed page)

7.      Globalization and the peculiarities of understanding existence by a person (in the book “Scientific notes of the faculty of humanities. Edition #13”; Perm, PSTU, 2005; 1 printed page)  

8.      The idea of non-violence and specificity of religious experience (in the book “The idea of non-violence in the XXIst century. Anthology of scientific reports of the International Symposium-Dialog of the secular scientists and theologians. Perm. May 24-25, 2006”  Perm, PSTU, 2006; 0,5 of a printed page)   

9.      Existential aspect of  ecclesiastical education (“Orthodox Perm” #3 (101), April 2006, 0,7 of a printed page)







Born in 1930 in Vitebsk (Byelorussia).

Current address: 14, 37 pervaya Krasnoarmeiskaya street, 614039, Perm, Russia     

Telephone: 8-342-245-24-34 (home); 8-342-219-81-70 (work)


       Graduated from the faculty of law of the Perm Sate University in 1953; completed the post-graduate course at the department of philosophy of the Moscow State University in 1964; In 1980 got a Doctors’ degree in Philosophy. In 1980-1981 Mr.Pismanik was a professor at the department of philosophy of Perm State Technical University. In 1981-1983 he was a professor at the department of philosophy of Carlov University (Prague). Since 1983 till present  Mr.Pismanik is a professor at the department of philosophy and religion studies of Perm State Technical University. Member of Presidium of Russian union of religion researchers.  


       Mr. Pismanik is the organizer of dozens (1965-2006) specific sociological researches of religious processes. He is the author of more than 150 scientific works on the problems of religion studies, ethic, methodology of social research, teaching of religion studies, dialog and collaboration of secular religion studiers and theologians. He’s been the main reporter at several Russian and International Science Conferences, among them – “Philosophical and methodological problems of religion studies” (Moscow, 2003). He’s been the organizer and the main reporter at two Russian Science Conferences – “Religion in the changing Russia” (Perm; 2002 and 2004) and the International Symposium-Dialog of the secular scientists and theologians “The idea of non-violence in the XXIst century” (Perm; 05/24/06-05/25/06) with the participation of professor H. Kjung (Tubingen, Germany) and professor M. Sierra (Vatican).



         The main publications:  


1       Personality and religion (“Science”, Moscow 1975, 152 pages)

2       Individual religiousness and its predetermination.(“Thought”, Moscow, 1984, 206 pages)

3       Dialog about faith (Perm publishing house, 1989, 221 pages)

4       Religion in history and culture (Federal textbook for Universities 2nd edition, Moscow, “Unity”, 2000, 592 pages; Editor in chief and author of 20 parts of the textbook

5       Methodological aspects of historical materialism (“Methodology of  naturally-scientific and social cognition”, Perm, PSTU, 1974, 1 printed page)

6       Secular school and teaching of religion studies in it. (Perm, Educational Department, 2000, 31 page)

7       Lectures on religion studies (textbook for Universities, Perm, PSTU, 2005, 253 pages)

8       What is ethic (Perm, “Knowledge”, 1980, 30 pages)

9       Religion and religious philosophy. Chapter in the textbook for Universities “Philosophy”, recommended by the Ministry of Education; Moscow, “Unity”, 2000)

10      Recent in religious processes in Russia. Reports of the 2nd All-Russian Sociological Congress (“Russian society and sociology in the XXIst century: social challenges and alternatives”. 2nd Volume, Moscow, 2004;

11      Religious and philosophical theme in the “New Philosophical Encyclopedia” (Round Table “Questions of  philosophy” #2, 2003, Moscow;

12      Secular school and religion (“Social-human knowledges”, #4, Moscow, 2000;

13      Theology and religion studies: the necessity of a dialog (“Problems of regional religion studies and actual questions of teaching religion studies in a university”. Materials of the 4th Russian Science Conference, Moscow, 2003)

14      About the collaboration of religion studiers and theologians (“Secular and religious interaction in changing Russia”. Materials of All-Russian Science Conference, Belgorod, 2005; pages 16-23)

15      Is a dialog possible? (“Philosophical and methodological problems of studying religion. Materials of  Science Conference”, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, 2004.                   


Possible participation of Professor M.G. Pismanik in the project “Science and religion: formation of value system for the new civilization”- lectures and articles on one or two of the following problems:


1       Philosophy of religion and metatheory of religion studies.

2       Secular and theological cognition of religion

2.      “Sacred” in religion.

3.      “The Renaissance” of Russian religion studies.

4.      Religion and secular school.

5.      Dialog and collaboration of secular religion studiers and theologians (praxiological, thematic, methodological and ethical aspects).